Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fitness Over 40Something - Old School

Excellent workout today! I worked on chest. The incline bench is my challenger and I was able to up the weight by 5lbs. I read somewhere that on the second set to attempt an increase of 5lbs even with lower reps. All of my exercises right now are 3 sets of 8 with an increase of 5lbs on the second set. I went from the incline to the bench and then fly's. I ended the workout with pushups. I believe strongly in the old way of lifting. Before there were machines people did pushups, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc. I try to incorporate as many "old school" exercises as possible just to satisfy my own personal feelings.  I kept the treadmill at a low pace again today. I felt like a racehorse trapped in the gate and ready to fly. I needed to make sure I was fully recovered though so I am really looking forward to tomorrow. As I was leaving the gym I realized that I am in the third week. It's possible that this is still just a surge of that January madness but it feels familiar somehow. For the twenty two years I worked out it never occurred to me to "get to the gym", I just did. It was a part of my life as necessary as eating. This morning, leaving the gym, I noticed I felt that way. It felt similar to taking that morning shower or walking the dogs. A thing I simply just do because it needs to be done. That feeling this morning made me hopeful that my relationship with the gym is here to stay.

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