Friday, February 26, 2016

Fitness Over 40Something - 145lb Squats!

145 lb squats, butt to the grass!!! Wow that felt amazing. When I first attempted the squat I wanted to warm up with 115. After completing a full set and feeling like it was easy I realized it was actually 125 lbs. Going back to my last posts it proves it was my mind that actually controlled what I could accomplish. A low self esteem mindset equals a low production workout. After realizing this I loaded the plates to 145 lbs. I completed five full reps butt to the grass. Then for the third set my mind started to feel that I couldn't again so I wanted to see what would happen and yes I was right. I had trouble with one. I stopped right there and took a rest. I told myself I could do this, I was stronger then I could ever imagine and hit it again. 5 full reps, butt to the grass, 145 lbs. Then I loaded to 155 and again 3 full reps, butt to the grass!!! I had heard so many times over and over again that your mind has more control over your ability if you let it. Meaning, if you think you can't you won't but if you think you can you will. I thought I could and I did. After this workout and realization I think I like weightlifting more then cardio. It is teaching me more and giving me more and that is what I need now in my life. Not to mention how cool it is becoming to see my body transform into something strong and powerful, something I cannot deny because the results are right in front of my face every time I look in the mirror. I can't wait to see where this takes me not only in my workouts but in life itself.

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