Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fitness Over 40Something - I'm Back!

And it feels so good to be back. The road that I drove onto the past eight months was scary, stress full and tiring. I left my gym bag at the exit for any additional weight was too much to bear. But, after finding a new, better job, fixing finances and becoming again I realized I was not feeling alive again. Something was missing. So I took back to the road and backtracked every mile, searching for that gym bag left so suddenly in the road. When I found it, I dusted it off and dove right up to the gym door. Inside it looked different, the people were different, but the sound and the feeling were still the same. I made up my mind of which exercises were on for that day and began to work out. It felt real, my body felt real and I knew later on that night it would feel thankful.  And then I walked by the pull-up bar. I stood there for a moment feeling so sad. It was my goal to be able to do just one pull-up, just one and now, since I had not tried one pull-up in so long I would need a lot of help. I remembered that I had used the assist at 80 lbs so I set the weight to 100. I felt intimidated as I stared at it, small and weak. But then something inside me grabbed the top of the bars and began to pull as hard as I could. I nearly flew to to the top. Okay, let me try 80 assist. Again, intimidation followed by shock as I easily pulled myself  up. I remember thinking no way, why not try 60? And there it was, I pulled myself up to that bar using only 60 pounds of assisted wight. It felt exhilarating, it felt strong. And as I left the gym that night I realized I never did give up on pull-ups. I was doing them all along.  I lost my job and fell right to the floor. It was scary, stressful and the future was dark. But somehow I made it back here. I made it back to were I am working, my finances are straightening out, I just worked out and I am back writing in this blog. I pulled my self up. I smiled the rest of that night thinking those bodybuilders were on to something, steps in life can be learned by working out. Important steps. Maybe, just maybe I will workout more.........

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