Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fitness Over 40Something - Don't Stop

As I am getting used to feeling good again it is getting harder to go to the gym. How is that? Seems like a terrible trick my mind wants to play on me. Stop when you feel good. My mind said "you worked out enough this week!" Seems weird my mind would say that when it never says "you ate enough of that cake!" I want working out and being fit to be the same as drinking a beer or sipping that fifth cup of coffee. I want it to be "chasing the high" instead of  "enjoy the low". I dragged myself to the gym. Sat in the car and waited. For what I don't know. I was working on biceps today. My goal of five years had been to do just one pull-up. Okay, I went in for that. Again, opening the door and walking in changed me. I wonder what that is. Feels like security. Maybe this place has become my serenity. Maybe it always meant things could change, things could get better, I could get better. My life hasn't exactly been what I expected. Many ups and downs, many things I think were failures. But here, here I must feel some accomplishment. That is a drug I might want to chase. I start with hammer curls. 15lbs. Then I went for the 20's. 8 reps!!!! Then to the preacher curl. Since I had only three exercises I decided to look on the web to see if I have actually been doing this right for the past 20 or so years. Nope. A bit off. Form is extremely important because I could wind up using all of the muscles except for the bicep. Hmmm, maybe that is why they never looked as defined as I wanted. Once I finished doing that correctly I went to the pull-up assist. I started at 90 pounds assist at 5 reps and then went to 80 for 3. Then I thought if I can do 3 at 80 why not try 1 at 70? I did it! I never would have done that with my old mindset. My old mindset would have told me if I can't do 5 reps then don't bother. I don't want to bother with the old mindset.  When I finished it was time for the treadmill. I ran yesterday for a minute so today I wanted to try these "spurts" I was reading about in a magazine. I did 10 minutes of waking and then ran for 1. Then every 5 minutes I ran for 1. Then, to my surprise it felt good. It felt really good. I tried 5 and 2 and then I did 5 and 3. I actually ran on the treadmill for 3 whole minutes! Could it be true? Could giving myself a break and celebrating the things that are accomplishments to just me actually make me feel good? I mean my mountain could be someone else's molehill but it sure looks and feel great up here! When I left and sat down in the car it amazed me how different I felt from when I was last sitting here. I felt like I accomplished something, I felt good, I felt healthier, and I also felt I hope I get addicted to this.


  1. Hi Susan

    I’m very proud of you; I think you are inspiring me to start my journey into getting fit again. I see my wife working out and dieting and I know it’s not easy on her but she does it. The other day she said to me “I what you around as long as possible you know” and today Anthony sent me your blog. Keep going and thank you blogging.


  2. Thank you Felix! Your comment inspires me even more and I hope you get back into it. It's the best gift we give ourselves and to the ones who love us:)
